Wednesday, 7 December 2016

07/12/16 - The paywalls come down and readers flood in. But revenue doesn’t

'Though the MailGuardian and Mirror still marched upwards with combined (print, mobile, laptop and tablet) readership figures year-on-year, Even the sun had a rise despite the paywall, but Murdoch still decided to to take it down. However the National Readership Survey doesn't measure money from advertisement. 

O The Times has lost almost 90% of online readership since the installation of the paywall.
O Paywalls we implemented in an attempt to try and make money where the ad revenue was failing both online and in print.

I think that paywalls could have been a good idea had audiences not been used to receiving new for free. Traditional platforms of news even online are failing and just creating an online website is not enough anymore. A better online presence and uniqueness that doesn't always include clickbait will be more appealing. Meaning both audiences and brands will be more inclined to use the site to consume news and also advertise their products on it.

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