Tuesday 25 April 2017

26/04/17 - Teenage hackers motivated by morality not money, study finds


The Article highlights how important the internet is for today's Youth and how it can be seen as an opportunity if it was used right. More teens are being arrested for Hacking activity , but this is more based on morality than financial gain.

children as young as 12 who had been arrested or cautioned for computer-based crimes.
O“moral crusade”, said Paul Hoare
The report said: “Conquering the challenge, proving oneself to the group and intellectual satisfaction are more important motivations than financial gain.”

I think that hacking is not only important now in terms of dealing with the security of many sites that are responsible for our personal information, but is also becoming such a popular thing it should be taught in schools especially to educate those interest on how to do it 'responsibly'.

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