Tuesday, 8 November 2016

09/11/16 - Sky News boss: 'The only way to achieve longevity is to go through renewal'


The article highlights how difficult journalism has become and how even the BBC has suffered.
Jobs are continually being cut and there have been accusations made suggesting that certain companies are only making way for 'younger talent' or younger people who may have more of an appeal. He also acknowledges that there needs to be a change that includes social media and means the companies basis is not just on broadcast.

He says that by the end of this year Sky will have achieved 1bn views on social media, and on mobile weekly viewing is 5.1m, up 18% year on year.
UK's largest pay-TV broadcaster with 11 million customers as of 2015
O 50 Members of Staff for Sky News and Sports are to be made redundant and replaced with automated systems.

I think that Ryley is too optimistic in terms of the future of Broadcast news, yes many things can an most likely will be done to ensure some future. But it would only prolong the failing process. More people are going to be replaces by new technology. and the remaining may not being able to keep up. In saying that News itself will not be over. Companies will be able to have a role in the news industry as longs as they adapt to be a more internet centric brand. The move from Broadcast and Print doesn't necessarily mean that there is not future there are just better options available now and we cannot rely on traditional media as much.

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