Tuesday, 8 November 2016

09/11/16 - Politics has gone wrong. Is digital technology to blame?


There is an argument to suggest that the extreme political confusion and wrongdoings is as a result of new technology. The echo chambers, ability to view others opinions and the lack of the government adapting fast enough have been brought in as an argument and there is the suggestion that some of the issues we are facing now may not have become a thing had the new technology played a factor.

O Online - Trump has more followers
O People were more in favour of remaining in the EU Online.
O Hilary Clinton's emails has been a major theme in Trumps speeches.
O There has been an overwhelming amount of coverage on Trumps Illegal activities, more than typical news sources.

I personally believe that technology has been a liberating factor rather than a detrimental one and it's politics and the politicians themselves who have caused the issues. New technology means that despite the regular echo chambers, people are able to view other people opinions that haven been adapted and changed by a gatekeeper or powerful person. Technology has also enabled information about political figures both good and bad to surface which arguably makes it a fairer democracy as the truth usual comes out and people follow less lies. However this is not always the case as some had in fact taken advantage of new media  to share falsified information in order to help their cause.

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