Tuesday, 8 November 2016

02/11/16 - How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News


The article is surrounding the rise in fake US politics sites particularly in Macedonia. there are hundreds of sites, many created and managed by teenagers whom make money from baseless stories, particularly based on true as stories on him are currently more appealing to people right  now. It brings the reliability of the internet into question as people are believing almost all of the content, which some sites have admitted to falsifying.

O 140 000 interactions with a baseless story
 over 100 active US politics websites being run from Veles.
O a story had 480 000 interactions on a macedonian site whereas a similar story on The Times only had 175 000 Interactions.

I think that not only does this expose the lack of reliability on the internet and really shows that people can and will make up content solely for the purpose of gaining views and revenue but it shows the rise in importance new and digital media has on politics. People are/have using/used the internet to find out more about what they are going to potentially vote for. More people globally are gaining and interest in foreign politics and realising the importance and effect some elections will have on other countries. On one hand it can be a good thing, more people are becoming involved, since the rise of the internet more young people have been voting. there is a greater understanding of what is going on and how it effects us and there is also an exposure to all views regardless of whether they are good or bad.

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