1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
Google has lead to the decline of the newspaper industry as they have taken advertisement from them meaning they are receiving less ad revenue which is one of the main revenue makers for them.
2) Find a statistic from the article that illustrates the decline of traditional news media.
While google has made about $44 billion dollars from ad sales, print publications have lost $60 billion minimum from ad sales.
3) Looking at the graph featured in the article, what period has seen the steepest decline in newspaper advertising revenue?
2003 - around the same time online revenue started to be measured.
4) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
I think that google is only partially to blame for newspapers closing an journalists losing their jobs because on one hand, google is more appealing to advertisers as there is a larger audience to potentially attract. On the other hand there have been many opportunities for companies to use the online platform, many have already created sites in which you can consume and create news, if a company has not done this efficiently to cater for various audience then google cannot be blamed.
5) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and justify your opinions in detail.

I agree with this because it acknowledges the change in technology that journalists need to cater for and that there are many other large companies that are perhaps receiving a lot of ad revenue, in the graph there's still $16 billion unaccounted for which could be taken by companies such as Facebook, who despite being quite outdated now is still able to make money from ad revenue. Journalism hasn't reached a peak in which it matches the internet which is why people actually get their news from other sources such as social
I don't agree with this because firstly creator are payed regardless of how minuscule it is and secondly the entire point of something being an advertisement is so people are attracted to a brand and are encouraged to buy their product, for content creators google is the third party within this ad revenue so only being paid in small amounts is inevitable when third parties are included and this is evident in all industries because more people are involved. When regarding reporters work, many are in fact credited those who lose out are in fact the ones from smaller co-orporations whom don't have any legal ownership over their own content. Finally there's only a certain amount of news daily and many News broadcasters/publishers release the same content google is just putting it all together for ease of access as many companies fail to talk about some world stories.
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