Tuesday, 28 February 2017

29/02/17 - Yahoo issues new warning of potentially malicious activity on accounts


The company Yahoo have been faced with another cybersecurity issue between 2015 and 2016. The largest was in 2013 where a suspected 1bn users were compromised. One of the main reasons for this issue was through cookies where, when infected, people were retyping passwords giving the viruses e.t.c access to their account completely. The security threats have reduced the worth of the company in recent talks about being bout by Verizon.

O data from 1bn users was compromised in 2013 (the largest breach in history)
O The news comes as reports suggest that Verizon is close to a renegotiated deal for Yahoo’s internet properties that would reduce the price of $4.8bn agreement by about $250m, following revelations about the company’s security breaches.

I think that the Issues Yahoo has faced recently goes to show the extent internet brands/companies, particularly those responsible for user information and banking, have to go to ensure their content and site are and remain safe. We are incredibly reliant on the internet now especially for sensitive deals. But there is not 100% guarantee that it is safe because hackers are relatively unknown, especially in terms of their skillsets. The fact that Yahoo has been successfully targeted several times (that we know of) potentially goes to show that online brands are not taking security as seriously as they should and are not protecting their stuff correctly. And when issues arise, not enough is being done to upgrade what they have to ensure that they are now safe. I don't think our information is completely safe which is why we need to chose carefully about what we do online and what we should try to do to make sure some things remain in person.

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