The article stemmed from Trump's views on Journalism particularly him labelling them 'Scum' and 'Corrupt'. Never before has the CPJ (The Committee to Protect Journalists) been so involved in politics. To put it simply Trump Threatens press freedom, and now they are co-ordinating 'attacks' against him. They Said 'With Trump’s rhetoric, it would embolden despots and dictators who are looking for an excuse' Which shows that if Trump comes into power, he can and will control the media to share his own propaganda. This restraint on press rights and freedom will endanger journalism. Trumps Attorneys demanded that the New York Times retract their article based on sexual assault accusations, they responded with the statement. “We did what the law allows: We published newsworthy information about a subject of deep public concern. If Mr. Trump disagrees, if he believes that American citizens had no right to hear what these women had to say and that the law of this country forces us and those who would dare to criticize him to stand silent or be punished, we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight.”
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Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers
O it has been suggested that Clinton has paid for people to support her online.
I think the freedom of journalism is an important factor for society, the freedom allows for investigative journalism which brings scandals such as Nixon and Trump's Taxes forward. Without this journalism may not be aware of issues. Trump ideas to bring in more laws would be detrimental to the journalism industry and the world. The sharing of propaganda like information will not only make the news/journalist industry into a pathway for his insanity. To take away articles exposing powerful people is already showing a weakness waiting the news industry because even though they don't have complete control over the content that is created, their influence and wealth can still play a factor and can have the same effects as if they were to have some kind of ownership.