LADAN - Twitter
Social media - twitter
US general election
Globalisation- accelerating americanisation
Social media revolution - Arab Spring
Citizen Journalism- Hudson River Crash
Place for Black Identity
15 Million active UK users
65% under 34 years old
Terrorism - Radicalisation
Echo Chambers
Impact of Echo Chambers on twitter - Politics - liberal - retainers. Security and Privacy.
ABAYOMI - Music Streaming
New platform for promotion and distribution
Spotify 2008 - 20 locations
2016 100 million users - millennial/ generation z
Access rather than own
Threatens Physical performance
Use twitter notifications on projects
75 % of 60 million users use the free version.
Reliant on AD Revenue
founder was the CEO of a torrent site.
AMRIT - Social Media
Facebook bought instagram - because audience
Based on Algorithms
600 million monthly users
18 - 29 year olds
8% of users are 65+
Centre of USG
Constructing your own identity
Encourages consumerism
Privacy issues
Political aspects
SUNNY - Trump
Choosing narrative over facts to be relatable
Reddit - The_Donald - chase algorithms to stop it from being at the top.
Meme Creations
Fake News and the dilation of information
Russian hacking scandals
Using analytics to target audiences\
CALLUM - Gaming
3rd party developers
Merge with vivendi games inn 2007
Consumption in general is the same
little USG - except for mod tools - create maps
Growth of 99.6 bn - 228.6 bn in 2017
HARKIRAN - Film Distribution
Lionsgaer -1997
Largest and most successful
MGM Produce more
Occasional Preference of the cinematic experience - More for the older generations
1 cinema ticket = 6 months of netflix
Netflix has created a unique and cheap opportunity for the TV industry, making it more appealing to the youth and people who belong to the binge watching culture. ( in this case
KHADIJAH - Netflix
created in 1977
tailored for individual experiences
technological convergence
shows typically address issues and debates
Globalisation - expanse in product
Americanisation - American shows and values.
Promotion for shows are typically online with their own individual pages.
social media is an opportunity
70% binge watch.
Netflix has created a unique and cheap opportunity for the TV industry, making it more appealing to the youth and people who belong to the binge watching culture.
JOHN - Apple Music
Student discount - appealing to the youth
100 + Countries
30 million users
45 million on itunes
Mulligan 'the superstar economy'
YouTube - no cost
streaming boosted the music industry (counter activity, piracy)
Music Streaming rose by 76% in 2016
40% of views come from Latin America
Music industry grew.
The industry is now benefitting from NDM rather that being destroyed by piracy.